TRM Partners


What WE Do


Timing is crucial, with today’s higher than normal profits and looming capital gains tax changes, the timing couldn’t be better if you were thinking about selling. Buyers are willing to pay above market value. Let us bring you qualified buyers who are willing and able to close quickly and discreetly.


A number of factors such as historical performance, geographic market, facilities, the brand, its future potential, and others impact a dealership’s value. Let us assist in coming up with a value that is in-line with these market forces.

Strategic Advice

Whether you are looking to expand, consolidate your operations or create a succession plan we will make recommendations and guide you through the process.

Succession Planning

Once you start thinking about retirement, what are the future plans for the dealership(s) owned? Having a written succession plan in place won’t leave anything to chance and protects the intended beneficiaries.

Market Trend

The automobile business is very cyclical and currently the industry is evolving quickly. These changes, some related to the pandemic, some to new technologies (EV, Autonomous Vehicles, manufacturing constraints (microchip shortage), changing consumer tastes, etc.) can significantly impact dealership operations. We can help you prepare for and adapt to these challenges.

Private Capital

Whether you are looking for investors to help with funding your plans for expansion or are looking for partners to provide you with a partial buyout while allowing you to continue to operate the dealership(s), we can assist in identifying these investment groups.

Operational Improvements

Vehicle pick-up and delivery, the ability to conduct transactions 100% online and enhanced digital marketing activities all increased during the pandemic; this way of doing business is here to stay. Adapting to new ways of doing business is paramount to successful operations.

Manufacturer Issue Resolutions

With over 60 years of combined OEM experience we can help you navigate through many of the issues which generally come up in the course of doing business.




Succession Planning

Market Trend Analyses

Private Capital Solutions

Operational Improvements

Manufacturer Issue Resolutions